31 December 2008

You Gonna Have to Catch Me

Birthday time. Yes, on the 31st December; it's wonderful.

"What's it like having your birthday on News Years Eve?"
Well I don't know any different so that's a bit of a silly question, don't ya think? But if you think about it, people have have a difficult time forgetting my birthday as it's sort of a big time and there's always a party where ever I go on my birthday so yeah, it's brilliant having my birthday so close to the New Year. :)

Zarna. (R) Ain't I Just A Slave says:
the nazis blew up your house ttoo!?
(^) Bippieissonotcoollike. says:
Not you as well?!

Don't you love having the most random conversations with your friends that no-one else understands? Ones that could be seen in a different light if you only catch a snippet of the convo? Yeah, good times.

This is such a pointless blog. I thought I'd write something in seeing as it's my birthday. I think I went a bit over the top in telling people this year, but I am sixteen now so is it acceptable? Let me know. Sweet sixteen and all the rest of that mo-jo.

29 December 2008

No, I don't believe you.

Funhouse - the new album from Pink. I have to say at first I wasn't too sure. I was expecting to hear songs similar to 'So What' and 'Cuz I Can'; songs that shine Pink's personality. But there are actually quite a few slow songs; some which may could be seen as a little "depressing". But if you listen to the lyrics they are beautiful songs. Take 'Glitter in the Air' for example, it's a slow song but it's really relaxing rather then the lively, adrenaline-style songs she usually records and that's what I love about it.

On the other hand her new songs such as 'Bad Influence' and 'Ave Mary A' are back to her usual standard with upbeat rhythms and - oh who am I fooling, I don't know the first thing about music. All I'm saying is that if you like Pink's other albums you'll love this one too. The songs are absolutely brilliant as always and they really lift your mood!

I think most of the songs are about her split from her (now ex) husband Carey Hart. The way that I enterpret the song 'Funhouse' is that she's talking about how their house used to be full of fun and good memories but now all it brings is bad times and bad memories.

Overall, I actually really liked this album and no doubt I'll listen to it until I feel physically ill if I hear one of the songs again; but that won't happen for a couple of months yet!

28 December 2008

Selfish Scum

I've just finished reading Abandoned by Anya Peters and I'm truely inspired. She's really put it in persepective for me to how selfish and unthankful I can be. Guitar Hero? Orange nail varnish? It really don't matter; all of it. When there are people sleeping rough by no fault of their own I feel so stupid and embarrassed to think that I care about the simplest things and how much I could change. So to everyone I have once selfish too; I'm sorry. I really am.

Anya's story showed me how difficult life can be on some and I really do want to help. Perhaps not by going up to someone who's homeless and trying to talk their problem over because I know that's something that most people won't want to do but perhaps by buying a Big Issue sometimes.

Anya really is one of the bravest people I've heard of. I often read books about real-life or ones based on which; not because I'm some sad creep who likes to hear of other people's difficult lives but because they bring me down to earth when I sometimes let myself get too caught up with all the material possessions surrounding me. For instance; one of my favourite books is Junk by Melvin Burgess. He writes the book in such a way that you begin to think that taking heroin is right just like the characters do in the story. But then you realise what you're saying and have to stop and think; there must be a better way then taking heroin, surely? It's a powerful story that really makes you think about your own life.

Going back on to Abandoned, Anya's story relly taught me how hard life can be and that I shouldn't take so much for granted. I should be thankful for what I have and aim to out others before myself. So thank you Anya for such an inspiring story and I wish only the best for you in your life.

For those who haven't read Anya's book, I really recommend it.

For more information you can check out her blog:

27 December 2008

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

What's with the random Alice in Wonderland quote?
Well why not? When you're 100% obsessed with something you'd want to share it too, would you not? Maybe not. Just me? Okay.
Too many questions isn't it?
Oh dear, there I go again. Sorry.

Let's start again.

Hello, my name's Bippie.
I'm a teenager who has tried to blog numerous times before but failed miserably. But no time like the present.
A teenager who loves all those things a little out of the ordinary; just like all those other teenagers. I'm not unique, I blend in like a breadstick in a resturant. I stay quite at times but make sure I say something. I don't want to disappear like the intros from the Mighty Boosh in series 2.

I'm writing a book, y'know.
It'll probably end up as a short story but who cares? No-one reads them anyway.
I write out of boredem. Once my fingers ache from trying to learn how to my new ukulele and there's not enough time to start up Guitar Hero or I'm sick and tired of all the websites I visit daily, I write. I write pages and pages of pointless material that's too embarrasing to publish or show anyone else.
That might be the reason why I just started a blog; I'm bored again.
But you must see what I mean about the 'pointless material' - this blog is just whatever pops into my head as I wait for my nails to dry orange and I can sneak into my brother's room to steal a go on my GH World Tour.

Moving on from that subject.
I can't think of what else to write.
Perhaps it's time for me to more on to something else other then blogging for today.
I can guarantee no-one will read this. No-one will be interested in the scribblings of a teenage girl who's obsessed with things that aren't real.
How depressing. Let's not think about that. :)
