14 February 2009

How Did it Come to This

My shift button is broken; well, one of them any way. And it happens to be the one I use mostly - annoying, oui.

Moving on, Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you have a beautiful day whatever you do. :) Hopefully it won't be as lonely as mine - I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. For once Val's Day is on a Saturday and guess what I'm doing? Yup, that's right, staying inside all day even though it's a lovely sunny day outside. Ah well. Nevermind!

Hang on, I did do something today. I ordered a Nintendo DS, Pokemon Pearl and Animal Crossing! All paid for with my own money. My first ever 'big' purchase. Yay! I'm so proud!

Wow, this whole shift-button-not-working thing is really quite annoying. I'm so used to pressing it that it puts my typing speed way down. Pah.

Y'know, I don't have a lot to say, I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day. Have a great day!

10 February 2009

I Just Can't Look It's Killing Me

I'm going to complain now. Lots. So deal with it.

Does it ever annoy you when you find something really cool and that you love, say for example a book, and you think that no-one else will really read that one book because well, you just don't expect them to. But then jump forward a couple of months and that book is now a film and comes with a million fan girls screaming at the mere sight of one of the characters. Yeah, it's so stupid.

Twilight has been completely ruined for me because of that exact reason. Sure, at first I loved it like any new reader will. But when I read it, it wasn't nearly as popular as it is now. Admittedly, I definitely wasn't the first to read it but definitely one of the older readers. But now, all you get when you mention Twilight is fan girls screaming things like, "OMGBITEMEEDWARDCULLENBITEME!" or "OMGZMRSCULLENANDDON'TYOUFORGETIT". It annoys be so much. When will they calm down? He's fictional. Grow up.

Okay, okay, I'm being a bit of a hypocrite seeing as I am possibly in love with Ron Weasley but I'm not constantly going on about how amazing he is now am I? Yeah, I have a bit of an addiction but I don't exactly get hysterical every second Hazz Pott is mentioned.

So thank you all of you Twilight fan girls. Thank you for ruining a book for me. Thank you for making me despise an amazing story all because of your screaming and childish fascination. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.

Let's move on from that depressing topic. It's my mum's birthday today. Happy birthday mum! We're going out tonight to celebrate and whatnot. Oh I love birthdays, they're so happy-making. I feel really guilty though because I made her a really rubbish card. I know, I know, handmade cards are nice and all but when they look like something pulled out of the bin, yeah, not so good. And I already know she'll say she likes it but written over her face will be, "Good grief, what the hell is this?". Hopefully her present will sort of make up for it. I hope.

Speaking of cards, I still need to make my Valentine's Cards. I don't understand how people think Valentine's Day is pointless. Sure, it is commercialised and sometimes over-rated and yeah, you should really show your love to the one you care about the most everyday but it's such a lovely tradition. It gives others an excuse to be all gooey and bubbly just because they can get away with it. It gives you a chance to do something out of the ordinary if you are usually a quite person and want to show how much you care about someone. Honestly, I love Valentine's Day. It's adorable. And no, I've never had a proper Valentine but who cares? You don't need one to be happy on the 14th. Just keep smiley everyone, it's a beautiful day.

8 February 2009

Stop, Stall and Make a Name For Yourself

So I finally caved in. I went against all negative things I've been saying about it and finally joined Twitter. How sad am I? I used to think that I didn't want to join it because "everyone joins it". Well, yes, well done woman. But now I've fallen down from that high chair of mine and joined in with everyone. I've never exactly been unique so why start now, eh? Twitter could be fun; I once joined Plurk but it was crappy.

Whoa, I've only been on Twitter for 5 minutes and I've already got 2 followers. A little odd, don't you think? But then again, one is following around 500 others and the other is following over 100 so at least I'm not the only one being stalked.

It's nearly Valentine's Day! In just 6 days the whole world will be loved up. I adore Val's Day, it's so bubbly and happy-making. And to be honest, it really doesn't matter if you don't have another half to share it with, you still have friends right? Sure, it probably is a lot more fun with a partner but hey ho, what cha' gonna do? I really need to start making my cards soon - I'm making a load of my friends, just to show I love them. :)

Speaking of making things, I'm in such a creative mood lately. I bought canvas' and paint yesterday and started painting just because I felt like it. It was lovely! It's really relaxing so long as you know what you want to paint.

Oh! Another thing, I've recently found out the name of the cute Japanese drawings I seem to fall upon whilst browsing dA: kawaii! Go search it, they're adorable. ^.^ Although, I'm not sure how to pronounce it. Is it "Hawaii" but with a "k" or something else? If you know, please enlighten me.

So, I'm going to go paint some more. To sum up, please add me on Twitter and let's chat. :)

Have a lovely rest-of-weekend everyone.

3 February 2009

Came To My Show Just To Hear About My Day

In Bournemouth and other sunny, beachy, touristy places we hardly get snow. When we do it's usually really light and never settles. But not this time. We've had snow for two days! And it settled! We even had a snow day today for school - it's crazy! Who'd have thought I'd ever get a snow day?

So what did I do on my first (and possibly only) snow day? Well I played in the snow of course. And okay, it was only out in my back garden with my puppy but still. I made a snowman, he had a lopsided head and dodgy eyes but he was mine. I was invited to go for a snowball fight but...I had to dog sit.

(um) Madam Bipper. says:
Yes, I sat on my dog all day because it was a snow day

Oh how I love deranged conversations on msn.

Hopefully there'll be another day off school tomorrow because of the 'dangerous' roads. I doubt it but it would be good if it was. More time to catch up on sleep and get rid of these unsightly bags under my eyes.

Oh stop complaining woman.

Y'know, I've finally decided how I'm going to change. I'm going to be happier. I'm not going to draw attention to myself by acting all moody. No, instead I'm going to detatch myself from pessimistic people and be more optimistic. Look on the bright side of life. Follow in my fairy godmother's footsteps as it were.

Exercise more too, that's what I need to do. Recently I've been feeling a little...how can I put it..."anorexic"? Meaning I've been eating less then I should in the hope that I'll lose some weight. What I really should have been doing of course is eating healthily and exercising. I do know this, it's just difficult to trick my mind out of the thoughts it's tangled in at the moment. I will eventually but it might take a little time.

Moving on from that horrible topic, did you know that it's mine and Sammy's unbirthday's today? We're going to celebrate soon. Eat cake, drink tea and then pretend we're healthy by eating carrot sticks when we feel like it. Yay for unbirthdays! Happy unbirthday to you too if it happens to be your unbirthday. It most likely is so happy unbirthday to you. Have a wondrous day!

Which for some reason reminds me, I need to make Valentine's cards soon. Yeah, I'm making multiple because I'm a hooker in real life.

No, I'm only kidding! Don't worry! They're for my friends just because I appreciate how much they've done for me over the years.

"Oh sure, your 'friends'."

Don't believe me? Well you don't get one then do you smelly moo.

1 February 2009

You Can Only Blame Your Problems On The World For So Long

Isn't it strange how you find you can relate to songs so easily? For example, the song The (Shipped) Gold Standard by Fall Out Boy is the song I find I keep relating my life to. One of the lines is "I want to scream 'I love you' from the top of my lungs, but I'm afraid someone else will hear me." Every time I hear that I can just hear myself saying, "yeah, same."

. Stop being a girl.

Back to the usual ranting? Okay.
"You can only blame your problems on the world for so long". So basically, I need to stop. It just makes things depressing.

Complete change of topic now. You know what I think should come back into fashion? Words such as 'ace' and 'grand'. They're such brilliant words, why should we leave them to rot? And you know what else, if my blog was as popular as Perez Hilton's or someone of that sort, people would be using ace and grand all over the world as soon as I hit send. It's not going to happen but it's nice to think about how much influence people can have. Then again, I can guarantee that I would abuse the privilege just to get my own way. Watch out world, Bippie's taking over.

Oh stop day dreaming you fool.

Moving on, I have a question for everyone who reads this. If anyone.
If you could go back 10 years to 1999 and talk to yourself, what 10 things would you say to yourself? Now, don't go starting about how time travel is impossible/you can change anything/"Have you not seen Back to the Future!?". Firstly, yes I have seen Back to the Future and I love it, secondly, imagine it's just a warning not something to change the rest of your life. Kind of...

Want to know my 10 things?
  1. Don't give up the violin, you'll just regret it.
  2. The summer of 2006 is going to be very difficult for you but don't give up, you'll become a stronger person because of it.
  3. You're not emo, get over yourself.
  4. Stop biting your nails!
  5. You will get more confident, don't worry.
  6. Learn to read tabs so when you start to learn ukulele it'll be easier.
  7. Don't get too upset about Busted breaking up. Yes it's sad but don't cry; you'll still have McFly.
  8. Look after your skin, spots suck you just don't know it yet.
  9. What ever you do, do not get your hair cut into a bob. It makes your face look fat and really doesn't suit you, no matter what your friends say.
  10. Don't give away your Pokemon cards in year 4, again you'll just end up regretting it.
So what are your ten things? Please comment, I'd love to hear them.