27 June 2009

Calm Down, Deep Breath, And Get Yourself Dressed Instead

Have you ever had a dream come true and it not being nearly as fantastic as you hoped? That happened yesterday and I'm quite crushed today because of it.

You see, my dream was quite a basic and very girly one. I dreamt that as I turned to leave wherever I had been to go home, a guy that I like would happen to want to walk the same way as me and would walk me home blah blah blah you get the idea.

Things didn't go according to plan last night though. The guy that ran and caught up with me was not who I imagined it would be and I certainly do not like them in that way. Sure, he's a friend but that's as far as it goes. The conversation was alright but it wasn't amazing, I don't understand half of it, I just let him talk and I just nodded along. He didn't exactly walk me home but to a few street over and then realised he had to go back the other way.

Am I being selfish? Should I be happy that someone was kind enough to walk me back sort of when it was dark? Or am I allowed to be a little downhearted that my daydream didn't go exactly how I had hoped? I am grateful that someone was there to walk me part way home, it was very kind of them. But is it my fault that they aren't the person I hoped it would be?

And now because that daydream has been half done, I doubt it will happen again. That dream won't come true if you get what I mean. Perhaps it's time I realise that not everyone's dreams happen and that I should be happy that at least mine sort of did. Or perhaps I should focus on another daydream? Or will that one blow up just like the one before? I'm so disappointed.

I'll move on, Jacko died. It's sad but I'm not that upset. Sure he's a legend and his music is so influential but I wasn't exactly the biggest fan. Saying this, I think MJ jokes shouldn't be told for at least a month or two. It's just disrespectful.

Well done Sammykins, you got the cryptic - but can you work out the numbers? Would if help if I told you they had something to do with the book itself, not the story?

23 June 2009

Oh What A Beutiful Mess This Is

I have a cryptic post for you today and seeing as I know only one person reads my blog it is probably a little pointless but that's all I've got to say on that matter.

Can you guess I watched Forrest Gump for the first time yesterday?

Anyway, back to the blog. I've made another list. You'll probably be able to guess that it's to do with a certain series of books. If you don't guess which series that you've been living in a hole in the middle of the mountains of Zoozoo.

And now for the list:

  • 52, Hedwig
  • 69, Mad-Eye Moody
  • 356, Ted Tonks
  • 381, Wormtail
  • 385, Dobby
  • 510, Crabbe
  • 512, Fred
  • 528, Snape
  • 531, Tonk + Lupin
  • 556, Colin Creevey
  • 564, Harry
  • 590, Bellatrix
  • 596, Tome Riddle
There are more but those are the ones that I recorded. Now what I want to know is what you think this list is all about. You have three guesses, if you don't guess correctly then you will never know, will you?

Unless someone tell you later...

16 June 2009

That Future Boom Boom Boom

Usually I don't connect too much with Glamour magazine. I buy it to see the types of things that will worry me in the future, the gaze at the beauty of the models in the adverts and to surf through the items of clothing that I will never to able to afford. However, this issue is slightly different; maybe because it is the 100th episode, I don't know.

In the issue, page 114, Bryony Gordon wrote an article about why she's happy to be single and why it bothers her when people ask "Why are you single?" seeing as she's 28 and does not have a significant other. Now, people I started reading the article I was feeling very gloomy about one hundred and more things - singledom being one of them. But now that I've read her reason for being happy and single, I've cheered up immensely. True, I'd still love to have someone there to (as Sammy explains) make me feel wanted and loved but for now I think I'll be okay just cruising alone.

Bryony make a list of ten things why she was happy to be single and I've decided to do one myself (it seems to me that my blog is becoming more about lists then anything else nowadays).

  1. If I happened to meet Rupert Grint or Anton Yelchin randomly on the street, I would be single, as would they.
  2. I can look my absolute worst without the fear of someone seeing me.
  3. I can watch whatever I want and not be mocked.
  4. I don't have to meet expectations of anyone.
  5. I can make time for friends.
  6. I don't have to put up with him annoying friends.
  7. There's no chance of me being with the wrong person.
  8. I can eat whatever I like and not have to constantly be swallowing mints.
  9. I can still look at whoever I wish without anyone getting jealous.
  10. I don't have to put up with any nonsense.

Nonsense is a very "old-fashioned" word but I think it suits the topic some how.

So yes, that's my list. I'm feeling better about being single now. People with partners can say what ever they like, I know I'm happy and if they can't accept it then they just go away. :)

15 June 2009

I Missed Your Skin When You Were East

So now I have all this free time and nothing to do. I understand now when someone asked me "What can I do now?" because I'm in the exact same situation. Not everyone has finished their exams yet so some people will still be revising. I've made a list of things I want to do this summer but they're sort of long term things or things that already have a set date. I don't know if I've already shared them with you so I'll tell you again. :)

  1. Laugh until I cry
  2. Go outside everyday
  3. Get a tan
  4. Meet someone new
  5. Finish 2 books
  6. Get in shape
  7. Pass my exams
  8. Do the RFL
  9. Go to prom
  10. Go on a picnic
  11. Stay on the beach until it gets dark
  12. Swim in the sea at night
  13. Go shopping in Brighton with a group of friends
  14. Taste kiwi

And that's all I've got so far. I'm sure I've already shown you this list so sorry if I'm repeating myself. I've already done two of them which is good seeing as my "proper summer" only started today.

There's so much stuff I want to do though. I want to do something everyday and have fun with whatever I'm doing. I know I have the beach nearly every Friday with "The Beach Group". We should have our own little group name, like the "Beachies" or something. Maybe I'll start calling people that and see if it catches on.

So many people have suddenly found partners (well, three anyway...). There's Devan who I said about before with Peter who I get to meet on Friday - as does she. It confuses me a little at how she's going out with him even though she's never met him. I asked her yesterday what she would do if he was only 4 foot tall. She didn't reply. :D But I suppose if she's happy, I'm happy. ^.^

The second one is Zanna and Dom. What started at a one night stand now seems to have moved onto something a little more. Although I'm not sure if they are "officially" going out or just a little casual thing but whatever. She's got someone which is good. I thought it was hilarious at the beach the other day though, the whole thing was so awkward for both of them. Ha! Oh well.

And finally there's Alex and C. I don't know his real name but Alex has 'C' in her msn name sooo, I'm guessing that's what he goes by. I think it's lovely how they hooked up. Well, not hooked up but you know what I mean. It was at the beach of Friday and apparently they walked away together. She was showering her with compliments and he asked her out just like that. They'd only known each other for a few hours but they seem very in to each other. They're quite similar too with the whole surfer/beach chic thing going on. Awh.

Do you think perhaps your dreams can come true for someone else, even if they've never had that dream? It's a little confusing. What I mean is that had a daydream about someone asking me out the same way C asked out Alex. So maybe my little daydream came true for Alex? If so I'm going to keep daydreaming and hopefully people I care about will have a happy summer.

14 June 2009

Hurry Up Before I Change My Mind

If you could have anything, what would you have? Would you have items? Or feelings? Or people? Or wishes? Personally, I'd have moments. I'd steal moments that people have caught. I'd take them for myself, be selfish, pretend I was there. Would you like me to share a few?

I have more, but that's all my blog will allow me to have. Even the Internet is stopping me from dreaming now, what a disgrace.

13 June 2009

Pick Yourself Up And Try Again

It's taken 20 blogger layout preview page refreshes, 12 photoshop files, 10 firefox tabs, 8 photobucket images, 6 hours, 4 templates, 3 ideas and 2 cups of tea to finally make this 1 single blogger layout. Blimey O'reilly. And I didn't even code the original template! I congratulate those who find the time to do so.

It's not fantastic, and there are few edits I could make but what do you think of it? I've never made one before so hopefully it looks okay. It should work in both firefox and IE now so yay! If it doesn't please tell me...

I'm going to have a break now because not surprisingly, my head and eyes ache a little and I need another cup of tea. :)


And I Don't Have To Think It Through

I've decided that a complete makeover is needed for my blog. So over the next few days (or possibly weeks depending on what I have planned) the layout of this page is going to be shifted, chopped and unwound until I finish making my layout. Please bear with me, I know it's going to be a mess and probably un-readable but I'll fix things as soon as I can!

So yeah, this was just a little warning, I may delete this post once I've finished layout-ing or find one that suits what I'm looking for! Thanks!


9 June 2009

If You Believe In Magic Don't Bother To Choose

I've been watching "The Fabulous Life of Celebrity Real Estate Splurges" and had the sudden urge to design my own dream home. I sound very spoilt in this and very selfish but it's my dream home so you can shush for now. Make your own?

In my dream home there would be:
- a walk in wardrobe filled with all the clothes I could ever ask for
- a library filled with books and secret rooms and passageways to other parts of the house behind the bookcases
- a home cinema with enough seats to accomidate 50 people
- my own catering staff who make the perfect cup of tea
- a telephone/video system so that you can connect to people in other parts of the house without having to find them
- a master bedroom with a kingsize bed that so high up you have to have little steps to reach it
- "his and her" bathrooms
- no marmite around the rim of the jar
- seperate wings so friends can stay for months on end but still have their own space
- a study with the latest technology
- brightly coloured plates etc.
- loads of pillows made from different materials and designs
- an indoor and outdoor swimming pools
- a pretend "Downtown" area with theatre, shops and arcades
- a hairdressers
- a gym but with no scary equipment, just friendly staff who are willing to help
- a beach just a few steps away
- marble topped kitchen surfaces
- a "sub-zero" fridge/freezer
- plenty of hand-picked art
- a secret garden
- chanderliers above the dining room table and in the middle of the stairs
- a spiral staircase or two
- an attic filled with old books, diaries and secret love letters belonging to past relatives
- plenty of room for storage
- a recreation room
- a room with a spongey floor that wouldn't hurt to fall on filled with pillows just to chill out in
- a massive mirror in one of the bathrooms just because
- enough room in the garage for any amount of cars
- a kettle that boils quickly and a toaster that toasts perfectly
- enough room for pets to roam
- a massive garden with a barbeque area, hot tub and lots of trees around the outskirts
- a forest at the end of the garden
- multiple bedrooms for guests
- multiple bathrooms
- personal touches like a messy coffee table and a few empty glasses hanging around
- huge french windows that open up to the world
- a huge sound system and never-ending supply of good CDs
- no neighbours to complain
- stairs that lead outside
- a waterfall
- a basement filled with sealed boxes
- a greenhouse filled with nice smelling fruits and vegetables
- an observatory
- central heating
- lots of sunlight during the day
- a lounge large enough to seat 30+ people comfortably
- a hot tub
- people on hand to give really good hugs whenever you need one.

And I think that's it. I'll probably remember something else just as I post this but for now that will do.

8 June 2009

I Can't Clean Up The Mess You Left

Recently on my laptop I cam across a couple of lists I made a few months ago: a hate list and a love list. I thought I'd share them with you. Each list has 100 things on it. Make your own?

Hate List:
  1. Low self-esteem
  2. Depression
  3. Arguments
  4. Failing
  5. Pain
  6. Remembering bad times
  7. Illness
  8. People being upset
  9. Frustration
  10. Being stuck as the same person all the time
  11. Coffee
  12. Crying
  13. 2006
  14. Obesity
  15. People who just don’t care
  16. Being let down
  17. Ugly-days
  18. Not being able to finish something
  19. Embarrassment
  20. Dark circles under my eyes
  21. Spots
  22. Wind & rain together
  23. Rain in the summer
  24. Getting soap in my eyes
  25. Edward vs. Jake
  26. Step Up 1 & 2
  27. Trying really hard at something but not making any difference
  28. Being taken for granted
  29. People throwing food
  30. Babies
  31. Screaming
  32. Anything unhygienic
  33. Annoying alcoholics
  34. People pretending to be drunk/high
  35. Putting on a ton of weight
  36. Being single
  37. Science
  38. Touch typing
  39. Having no time to do anything
  40. Having no money
  41. Not having enough money
  42. Spending money for no reason
  43. Being late
  44. No Internet connection
  45. Liars
  46. Cults
  47. Chat speak
  48. Mould
  49. Bad smells
  50. Awkwardness
  51. Being cold all the time
  52. Rejection
  53. When I can’t swallow pills
  54. Badly edited photos
  55. Not being able to fall asleep
  56. Stress
  57. Shouting
  58. My eyebrows
  59. Cramped conditions
  60. Wars
  61. Overly hyper dogs
  62. When people don’t flush the loo
  63. Breaking things
  64. Disappointing people
  65. Annoying people
  66. Not being able to get details right
  67. Headaches
  68. Nosebleeds
  69. Burping
  70. People who won’t listen
  71. Bad clothes
  72. Adverts saying “text to this number for this ringtone!”
  73. Sundays
  74. Having no memory left on the computer
  75. Sweat
  76. Twilight fan girls who say things such as “OMGEDWARDISMYHUSBAND!”
  77. Spoilers
  78. Cancelling
  79. People who take forever to explain something
  80. Scary films
  81. People who won’t shush
  82. People complaining about people talking when it’s them who’s making all the noise
  83. Bad endings
  84. “Let’s just be friends”
  85. Not being able to upload videos
  86. People touching my back
  87. People showing off
  88. When you think the puddle isn’t as deep as it really is
  89. Worrying
  90. Freaking out about silly little things
  91. Cheating
  92. Giving up
  93. People having major operations
  94. People who are constantly upset about silly things
  95. Maths
  96. When the computer freezes
  97. Being told something won’t work when it will
  98. Feeling out the loop
  99. Paranoia
  100. People who won’t let me change

Love List:

  1. Weasley
  2. Justin Long
  3. Friends
  4. Family
  5. Laughing
  6. Panic at the Disco
  7. Wonderland
  8. Out-of-the-ordinary
  9. Circus-themed things
  10. Harry Potter
  11. Tea
  12. Pancakes
  13. Cut grass
  14. Having my hair cut
  15. Fall Out Boy
  16. Nerimon
  17. Julia Nunes
  18. Ukulele
  19. Making cards
  20. Scrubs
  21. Internet
  22. Blogging
  23. Photo editing
  24. Hugs
  25. Compliments
  26. Colours
  27. Pretty-days
  28. Laying on the floor
  29. Sleeping
  30. Having a ‘crush’
  31. Smiling
  32. General happiness
  33. Music
  34. Films
  35. Philadelphia on toast
  36. All-American Rejects
  37. People watching
  38. YouTube
  39. Talking
  40. Meeting new people
  41. Pokémon
  42. New friends
  43. Cats
  44. Straighteners
  45. Mascara
  46. Eyeliner
  47. Vaseline
  48. Finishing projects
  49. Dancing like a mad woman
  50. Kawaii
  51. The moon
  52. Summer
  53. Warm days
  54. Dressing up
  55. Good song lyrics
  56. Good books
  57. Farm animals
  58. Hearts
  59. Polka-dot
  60. Skinnies
  61. Clothes that fit
  62. Oversized jumpers
  63. Pyjama bottoms
  64. New underwear
  65. 90210
  66. Heroes
  67. E4
  68. Dave
  69. Musicals
  70. Glamour magazine
  71. The smell of new books
  72. Top hats
  73. Guys in formal wear
  74. Camden
  75. Brighton
  76. The beach
  77. People who make the effort
  78. Weekends
  79. Laura’s parties
  80. Good pens
  81. Good grades
  82. People with good hair
  83. Wikihow
  84. Taking photos
  85. Having money
  86. Lolcats
  87. Graphics
  88. Fantasy / make-believe
  89. Nail varnish
  90. Valentine’s Day
  91. Pretty eyes
  92. Sims 2
  93. Making things
  94. Making people smile
  95. Stars
  96. Night time
  97. Funny films
  98. Baths
  99. Clean hair
  100. Concerts

Please remember these are quite old so some things may have changed now. Still, it's nice to look back sometimes. :)

7 June 2009

You Took Something Perfect And Painted It Red

I moan a lot in this.

I hate it when you don't meet expectations but sometimes people take it too far. When people's expectations include you having to get wasted out of your mind and have to make an absolute fool of yourself just to reach what they think is acceptable is just a little bit over the line if you know what I mean...

Just for the record, I don't drink like you, I don't smoke, I don't play games that would easily embarrass me. And the thing is, all these things irritate you - I can tell. You see me sitting there with a glass of water instead of vodka and the smile gets wiped off your face so quickly you think no-one has seen. I've noticed it so many times it's unreal. You ask if I'm okay because I'm not screaming or laughing as much as everyone else. I tell you I'm fine, just tired. It's true, I do get tired but the truth is I'm sick of you asking if everything is okay. If I want a drink. If I want to join in. If if if. Well want if I'm fine being sober? What if I like knowing where I am? What if I like remembering what happen last night?

And another thing, I know I'm the dull one at your party. I know I'm the one who doesn't fit in with the rest of you. I really appreciate the invite and I thank you for including me. So I'm sorry if I irritate you with my worrying. I'm sorry I feel responsible to make sure everyone is okay. I'm sorry if I make a drama sometimes with things no-one really cares about. I'm sorry for ruining your fun at times.

To be honest I don't think I'll change, not yet anyway. I'm a worrier, it's what I do. Please don't think less of me. I don't mean to freak out about little things. This isn't a stab at you, it's more of a stab at myself for being so annoying. You don't have to say anything, I know I am, I annoy myself.

Too much I, sorry. Shush now.

4 June 2009

There Were Things That Used To Make Me Smile

I'm in such an unbelievably happy mood; it's crazy! I feel like I'm about to burst with sunshine happiness filled with sugar loveliness that will swamp you with warm fuzziness and love you forever. If you get my drift. I don't even know why. Well, I do but I can't quite narrow it down. Would you like me to go through reasons with you? Well I'm going to anyway.

1. Exams
What a strange topic to make you happy, you think. How on earth could that make you happy, you ask. Well it's simple: I only have four more and the one I had today went really well! Admittedly I'm dreading the one tomorrow but let's not rain on this parade. We're here to smile and dance and bang pots and pans together in celebration, not worry over whether or not it's important for me to know every tiny detail of Sukkot.

2. Friday Night
Tomorrow at 7pm I'm heading down to the beach for an awesome beach party which I am so looking forward to. There's going to be so many new people there to meet and I'll be able to cross something of my list of "things to do this summer" and I'll be raving with Mullet and there will be an epic moment until the moon involving spoons which only a couple of people know about and mwuhahaha. I cannot wait. You have no idea. WOO!

3. Devan
Devan is my friend. A very very very good friend. A friend who has had it bad for a few months now and is pretty much at the end of her tether. But you know what? Things are looking up for her and I'm so happy. She's got herself a boyfriend and he's really lovely from what I hear and he's a friend's cousin which may be a little weird but if he ever hurts her he's got family to answer to which is just terrifying and I'm so so so happy for her because she deserves it with all the shit she's had to go through and YAY FOR DEVAN! I may have to send her a smiley face to her to show how happy I am for her and oh oh oh happy happy happy.

I think that's about it for the random happy feeling reasons. There's probably more but my head is so filled with clouds of sparkles that I can't think of anything more.

I like that word, "sparkle". One thing though...vampires do not sparkle.

2 June 2009

Touch My Plastic Face And See What Happens

I've started to create characters in my head from the people around me and those I see around outside. Don't worry, all the nasty ones are people I've seen around or people I dislike. So if I like you, or if I read your blog, or if I'm subscribed to you on YouTube, you have nothing to worry about.

1. Matthew
He's tall, tanned, toned. He knows he's good looking and used every chance he gets to show this off. He gets the girls he wants. An American High School jock. Protected by his crowd of friends who don't really know him. This doesn't bother him though, he's practically famous. He's a joker, he likes to make fun of you. He will never notice those who whisper about him. He's too busy getting his head in the clouds to see the people who realise what he's really like. He doesn't care though. So long as he can get that scholarship and that girl he wanted as a prize.

2. Andy
Matthew's older brother. A much more caring soul. Just as toned and tall as Matthew but without the tough skin and thoughtlessness. People laugh at him. Make jokes. Matthew keeps him a secret, he doesn't want anyone to know that is brother has a "woman's job". Nurse. But Andy takes his work seriously. He know he gets laughed at. He knows people don't really understand the happiness he gets out of the work he does. He helps people. He saves people. People respect him. Perhaps not as much as they respect Matthew but he doesn't need that. That's just high school humour, Andy has his sights set for something more important then that.

3. Frank
A neighbour of Andy's. Andy knows the secrets but he keeps them to himself. He knows it's not his place to ask questions about the shouting, about the screaming, about the smashing. Frank is addicted to substances. He gets out of hand sometimes. Blames it on the "fast white lady". Everyone knows but are too shocked and appalled to speak up. Nobody wants that kind of responsibility.

4. Lucy
Frank's fiancee. Pregnant. In the same situation as Frank even in her condition. Also at the receiving end of those outbursts. The hitting, the pulling, smashing, the swearing. The whole street hear her cry for help but who would dare enter with Frank in that kind of rage? She leaves sometimes only to come back half an hour later and get chucked out again. She hates him but is terrified to leave - how else would she manage to get the stuff needed to feed her own hunger nevermind the baby's.

5. Grace
Grace lives a few doors down from Frank and Lucy. She goes to Matthew's high school but is in a different group of friend although they often see each other at parties and such. She's beautiful, the exact type Matthew would go for. High cheek bones, long blonde flowing hair that reflects, big blue deer eyes that mirror the smile painted on her face. She's lucky, blessed. She doesn't realise how good she's got it. She complains at times but soon perks up at the thought of a new shopping trip. Whispers can be heard about her too. Bimbo. She's not though, she's intelligent. She knows what she's talking about. She gets the joke you just said. She can figure you out faster then you can introduce yourself. Goddess.

6. Emily
Grace's best friend. The second-best at everything. Not as pretty as Grace. Not as intelligent. Not as brave, funny, charming, flirty. She's thinner then Grace. This doesn't make a difference. She tries as hard as Grace. It doesn't make a difference. She tries to make new friends but then Grace gets introduces and they lose interest in Emily. Boys use her to get closer to Grace. Not fair is it? Not that it matters. Emily is Grace's best friend. It's what friends do for each other. Right?

7. Violet
And classmate of Grace & Emily's. She makes scenes. Lies to people. Tries things she shouldn't. Pushes boundaries. All of this just for the attention she gets for it. She's the girl at the party that you'll find drunk, crying and being sick in her own shoes just so long as a drunken boy picks her up and takes her off to a separate room. She makes sure of this. She gets out of everything. Wriggles out of every situation. Fakes things to see the affects of it. Spiteful to everyone who crosses her. Doesn't care about anyone so long as she's having a good time. Says things just to cause disapproval. Makes it seem she's invincible. She's not. She'll end up just like Lucy.

8. Isabella
Another classmate. The complete opposite of Violet. She's modest to the the extreme but not in an irritating way. She cares for you no matter who you are. She's not a push over. She'll stand up for what she believes in. She's beautiful but doesn't show it off. She's an artist. She's unbelievably friendly. Someone you can count on in every situation. She's the one who you go to when something terrible has happened and she makes it better again with one simple sentence. She knows how to have fun but doesn't need to get drunk to do so. She's different, quirky, kind.

9. Owen
An old friend of Emily, Violet and Isabella's. Grace has never had the pleasure of being introduced properly. I wonder why? He's jealous about everything. He will try and make you jealous of him just so you know how he feels even though you haven't done anything wrong. He shocks people at times. Laughs at things that aren't even that funny. He doesn't have the nicest smile out there. He tries to but even he knows he shouldn't even try. He knows when he's good at something and will show everyone. He will put you down because in his eyes you will never be as good as you. Shallow.

Make your own? I may add more later.