7 November 2009

But Wait, Where Are You Now?

I always get nervous when I learn that someone reads my blogs. I have to explain that most of the time it's just me moaning about my average life and all round self-loathing.
I like the world loathing, it's a bit of onomatopoeic.
I must thank Alex for 'onomatopoeic'...I couldn't remember the word; thank her for telling me the word, not the actual existence of the word. I wonder who did create the word?
Every time I typed the word 'word' then I almost spelt 'world' instead.
So yes, I thank Alex for the world. Some form of illegitimate mother perhaps? That would be fun, having Al as a mum. I don't care what you say, I think it would be.

Stage one of the puff book is complete: actually buying the book for which we will include the puffs.
Stage 2: filling the book.
Stage 3: sending it to John in time for his birthday (August 24th - which happens to be dearest Tantan's birthday).

Can you tell it was this morning that I bathed? I seem to only think of ridiculous ponderings at night. I don't know why. It's a little silly.

I want something big to happen, something shocking. The other day I found myself hoping over and over again for a car crash. Not for the death but for the pure thrill. How depressing. I should move on from this.

I'm self-conscious now about my posts. Now that I know more people than I thought read my blogs. It's not fun times. I'm happy you do, and yes, I do mean you. It's just you probably didn't need to tell me. But if you want to continue reading you're more than welcome to. I'm not exactly going to stop you am I?

Or I could. Depending if you think my blogs becoming increasingly boring is me purposefully trying to stop you reading them, or if you think it's just your own being that is bored my mindless rabble.

Ugh, small paragraphs are a sign on my lack of creativity. I dislike this heartily.

Enough of the negativity. Let's make another list.

I love Julia Nunes. Her songs never fail to cheer me up.
I love how my stomach is rumbling - but it's a good hunger, not that "I'm going to die a painful death" kind of hunger.
I love how my rooms a mess.
I love how I just stopped with fear because a really loud firework went off.
I love how it's winter and everyone has to wrap up now so no-one has to have an excuse for wearing that unflattering hoodie or old, musky scarf.
I love how even though I've had them for years, my colouring pencils are still in rainbow order and not one of them has been lost.
I love the fact that it's only Saturday and we've still got the whole of Sunday to go.
I love how I enjoy my Mondays almost as much as my Saturdays.
I love Pomplamoose and their version of Mister Sandman.
I love how I can see the fireworks from my bedroom.
I love how I have new people to speak to after moaning about having no-one for months.
I love how spellcheck doesn't understand my blogs.
I love how my friend has one of my favourite songs in her 'pm' on msn.
I love how easy it is to change the subject.
I love how everything glitters when the fireworks explode. Especially as the ground is all wet.
I love how I can remember crying over something one bonfire night years ago but can't actually remember the thing that I was crying over.
I love how things become so insignificant over time.
I love how people over-react by in a good way, not with all the screaming and irritating girlyness.
I love how you're still reading this.
I love how my mum just brought me up a cup of tea before she went to bed.
I love how she's going to bed really early.
I love Bo Burnham and his inappropriate song lyrics.
I love how my friends write me little notes in my notebook or on scraps of paper.
I love how people often read things in the wrong way.
I love the fact that girls over react to such silly things.
I love how I don't over react to love interests.
I love that I'm a teenage and I can use this as an excuse.
I love that my friends have shaped and changed me into something so much better.
I love that I see someone almost everyday that I've hardly seen for the past 3/4 years.
I love how right this second I'm making a fool of myself but the person doesn't mind.
I love how this list is a lot longer than I thought it would be.
I love how my tongue still hurts from when I burnt it a few hours ago.
I love how I have to spell check the word tongue.
I love that I don't know my 6, 7 or 8 times tables and will never need to.
I love that I'm tired but not tired enough to sleep.
I love that I can understand the song Balloons completely yet get utterly confused with Northern Downpour.
I love Northern Downpour.
I love how I almost finished this list with the cliche "I love you" when truth is, I may not know you so no, I don't love you.
I love that I have no hobbies.
I love that the biscuits I ate will show.
I love how I'm finally getting comfortable with that idea.
I love how people make mistakes so often.
I love that I have to explain things to people because they don't understand how I'm describing something.
I love how describe and explain are two different things.
I love people who spell correctly on the Internet.
I love how I failed to spell 'correctly' when I first wrote it.
I love how quickly people move on.
I love that August can send me to sleep.
I love that the fireworks have stopped so that my mum can sleep peacefully.
I love that this list is comprised of things happening right now.
I love that my friend is enjoying her job.
I love book swaps.
I love how hair grows.
I love that things never stay the same for too long.
I love that even though this list is now too long, you're still reading.
I love that you've made it to the end.
Are you happy too?

1 comment:

  1. eeeeek sorry my darling, i didn't realise you didn't want to know. i will keep my silly mouth shut in future haha :) although i adore your blogs and pomplamoose are fantastic! just like you! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
