I'm desperately trying to find a way to distract myself away from the pain that is my coursework.
At home currently seeing as it's a Sunday and hibernation day.
Older than most people in my year group.
Marks and Spencer's? Food mostly. But it tends to give me stomach aches. "Sad smiley".
Anyone who's had to have an all-body x-ray, people able to stand up for others as well as themselves, anyone willing to go skinny-dipping.
I hate questions like this. I'd rather red heads. :)
Any with bad lyrics.
Ahaa, I doubt it you smoker. :)
I could I think. I think I could. I could if I tried. I'd try it I could.
Drawing, I fail at painting.
Yes. Ohhh yess.
-_- Sexually suggestive questions do not amuse me at the moment.
No no no no.
No. Just no.
I've only seen the first Saw film and hid from the part with the foot-sawing. And I've only part seen the Exorcist with dearest Ally Wally making jokes throughout so neither for me?
Flowers, they last longer.
Funnel Cake every time.
Not yet. ^_^
Both are lovely.
That all depends on what is being shown.
Nope. But I need to now so thanks.
Neither. Ever.
Cows. Horses terrify me.
I wouldn't know.
I don't really believe in that kind of thing. I'm more of a it-depends-on-what-you-believe-in kind of person. so if he believed in heaven then maybe. If he believed in reincarnation then maybe not.
I'm inside at the moment but would like to be outside.
Neither. Coffee would be flushed down the toilet.
I have no idea. Tiger? Just because I don't know who Jordan Woods is?
Does it make a difference? Really?
St. Patrick's Day.
Spitting or kicking? I'll go with the kicking.
Ketchup but very rarely.
I wouldn't know, I've only been legal for a year.
I don't play the lottery.
Are they not the same thing?
I love October simply because the weather is nice.
Toast? If that counts.
Year 10 & 11 days at the moment.
Admit to someone how I felt about them.
Night OWL! Just because owls are ♥
Your coursework is still incomplete.
My gran :)
Will you find the world's largest elastic band ball.
Never. I'm healthy y'see.
PAPER or plastic?
Sixteen Candles but only because it reminds me of the Fall Out Boy song. I've never seen either of the films...and I call myself a film studies student...
Yes. Same.
Nothing. I've never quit.
Depends what we're talking about here.
Roadtrip please.
"Bless you dearest child, may your lurgy be cured."
Right handed.
A bit of both please. Sitting all day makes your bum flat. Standing all day just hurts.
Petrol, sweat, rotting pumpkins.
I've only tried sushi once so...
Monday tomorrow, I get to have fun with camera's in media.
Ellen. :)
A Sunday, hibernation day, stress over coursework day.
A load of pillows, blankets, duvets and plushies.
Topshop I suppose? Awh, that reminds me of the Mighty Boosh with the cavemen and their ties. "Topshop!"
Iron sometimes? But that's not really a vitamin...
A lot of things. See the previous entry.
Cervical cancer, TB, menigitus, others maybe?
My bank account.
Hot straightners, hairspray and heeled shoes.
Pancakes. I can eat hundreds of them.
One for my foot, one for my chest.
Ahaa, I wouldn't exactly class him as a 'lover'.
Extra*, you cheated.
Nineteen ninety two.
If I had a yard, I would have a sale on it.
Both? Togther.
London and does Longleat count? It's more of a safari park I suppose.
I have no idea who these people are and I'm too lazy to look them up.
Easy to get rid of them but should not be squeezed, that's vile. Just wash your face everyday and use teatree and witch-hazel should any make an appearence.
I really do dispise coursework. Especially seeing as it's taken me roughly 2 hours to do just the background, title and to back my images onto card. Not fun.
Zack morris and Slater are two characters off of ye olde programme saved by the bell, Zack is the cute one and Slater is the hot one. They must be googled just to improve your general knowledge. Read this comment then google it.