19 November 2009

Loves Songs So Genuinely Cunning.

The past few days I seem to have been walking around in some kind of haze, catching snippets of other people's conversations whilst I try to focus on what's going on that directly affects me. Other people's conversations are so interesting; I found myself thinking that everyone else has much more interesting conversations than I seem to have. Not to say that the conversations I have are uninteresting - just that other people's are slightly more interesting.

Take for example one conversation I heard on the train - well, it may have been two, they sort of got mixed as I was concentrating on what someone was saying to me at the time. The people on the train, or one group of people, were talking about 2D and 3D shapes whilst another group of people were talking about people they know and how they seem to despise their very own friends. So that got me thinking about if you could get 2D and 3D people. Or rather, 2D and 3D personalities and beings because obviously everyone's 3D. But back to my point. What if everyone that are usually classed as 'shallow' or uninteresting' or just 'close-minded' were actually 2D? They have no volume to them; no interesting aspects. Squares maybe? I guess that may have been where that phase came from. There is nothing interesting about 2D people - they have sides and corners and that's about it. Nothing supporting them. Nothing that could ever amount to anything.

And then you have your 3D people. People who have volume and are interesting and are supported by their views. Or rather, they can support their views themselves. They're open-minded and have fun and are just all-round interesting people.

So what about the people who are bit of both? Some days they're interesting and sophisticated and fit in and are social but on other day's they're shallow and cold and unmotivated. I think most people would fit in this category as everyone has their ups and downs. But then we have this problem that there's nothing really between 2D and 3D. 2 and a half D? But that isn't really rolling-off-the-tongue very smoothing. It can't possible be 4D as that's above the 3D people; nor can it be 1D as that just don't make sense. So any suggestions?

"I blame you for what happened to Josh" was the next thing I heard in passing. I wonder who Josh is? And more importantly what happened to him? It'll be a headliner for the gossip mags I bet.

And you know what? I'm really sick of people who lie constantly. Again, on the train, I could hear this boy going on and on about his martial arts and how you could kill someone with it and how he was only an orange belt (which coincidentally matches his hair colour) but by the time he's a black belt he'll be able to use all the knifes and kill people with his amazing skills. Seriously, shut up. Martial arts is all about self-defence, not killing people. And no way would your teachers let you anywhere near a knife you poor, pathetic boy. Your compulsive lying has caused the truth to expand just a little too much. You don't count anymore. And I'm not sorry.

Poutle is such an amazing word. Thank you for introducing it too me.

1 comment:

  1. AGH :D this one is amazing, that's a really interesting concept and i think you are 4D. always interesting :)

    and yessssssss, other peoples conversations are so great XD i hope josh is okay.

    and the orange belter agrivates me so much ¬¬ i love you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
