27 April 2009

I Was Just In The Middle Of A Dream

It's raining. Why does it have to rain? I want to run in the sun. I want to play under to moon in a cloudless sky. But I can't. Because it's raining. The wind picks up again; bending the trees and pushing the mist off the tops of the houses forming a breath of clean water.

The wind forced the clouds away but it still rains. The sun peeks out, careful as not to disturb the peace. Maybe there will be a rainbow. I hope so; there hasn't been one in such a long time. I can see blue skies over the sea but where I am hovers black clouds. Monstrous; dominating. A sign?

Perhaps it's telling me that once I get out of this dark cloud I'll be home free to somewhere happy. Somewhere calm. It's a shame I'm still in the cloud. It's brightening up though. Everything is getting better.

The rain just started again. The blue sky is fading. I jumped too soon and missed my landing. I moved too slowly and got hit by that bullet. No happy ending here, just an endless cloud of black.

So instead of playing under the moonlight and instead of running in the sun; I sit inside, cold, eating to make me fat. Chocolate, biscuits, cereal, unhealthy. Podgy, it's such a disgusting word. Fat: that word's even worse. Obese; I just don't understand how people manage to get like that.

Oh look, the rain's slowed down and the blue skies and peeking out; controlling, dictating. I hope they reach me, I'd prefer blue skies to rain. I can see a rainbow outside. It showed for us. Quick, make a wish before it disappears again. Optical illusion. Almost gone, the cloud ate it. At least the rain's gone now. Out comes the blue - it's so pretty.

Time to go, I have to run in the sunlight.

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