11 July 2009

Make My Rapid Heart Beat Naturally

What use is a summer holiday if all you want to do is start college? And what's the point in living by the sea if it rains throughout the summer? I thought this summer was going to be the best yet. I thought that because we'd have an extra few weeks off and nothing to worry about for the next school year that the summer holidays would just be packed full of good times yet I find that my days seem to revolve around someone interesting signing onto msn.

I suppose it's my own fault, I haven't planned anything in advance and can never think of anything to do when I actually get round to planning something. Is it just me or is everyone constantly busy or working? Speaking of work, I should probably get a job but nobody seems to be hiring.

On the plus side I've managed to cross a few things off my list of things to do.

  1. Laugh until I cry.
  2. Go outside everyday.
  3. Get a tan.
  4. Meet someone new.
  5. Finish 2 books.
  6. Get in shape.
  7. Pass my exams.
  8. Do the RFL.
  9. Go to prom.
  10. Go on a picnic.
  11. Stay at the beach until it gets dark.
  12. Swim in the sea at night.
  13. Go shopping with a group of friends in Brighton.
  14. Taste kiwi.
I doubt I will get in shape now, I'm just too lazy and have no-one to spur me on. Instead I ate through a tub of Ben & Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew within two days. Oh yes, so healthy.

I read in someone's blog that Justin Timberlake sung on the Black Eyed Pea's song 'Where in the love' and like the person said on their blog, you learn something everyday.

I've come to the conclusion that certain boys with the same name can be a right nuisance. Now not all people with this name are as irritating as the cases belong, just a few that I've met or know about.

Case 1: The Stalker
This kind of boy will constantly talk to you about things you really don't care about just because you're kind enough to pretend you like whatever the topic happens to be. They will also think that you both are similar most likely because you can them a little attention when others did not.

Case 2: The Love-Struck Frog
This case is much similar to The Stalker. He will pester you, bully you, do anything just to try and make you go out with him. This particular person did exactly that to a friend and although it was hilarious to watch at first you begin to realise how embarrassing and awkward everything is becoming. They're attention seeking and will say things to shock you. To beat this case down be as blunt as you can. Don't think about how you may feel, you need to get rid of this frog as soon as possible before things spiral out of control.

Case 3: The Invisible Man
The boy seems lovely at first, he will compliment you, flatter you, maybe even ask you out - and you will say yes. Things go fine for a while, you keep telling yourself "I'll see him soon" and "There's always next week". This isn't the case though and he soon becomes impossible to find. So you dump him and then he has the nerve a week later to break up with you - confusing? That's what we though when this happened to a friend. Silly boy.

Why do they all have the same names? Is it pure coincidence or do their parents plan to set their sprog on the world, aiming to get them to grow up into irritating, thoughtless teenage boys? It's ridiculous.

Can you tell nobody's online at the moment?

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