5 November 2009

Take Your Bait Before I Play You Out

I'd like to apologise so Sammy, I admit, I haven't been reading you blogs and I feel terrible. And even worse that this, I probably won't catch up on them because I'm lazy and I can't think of a better excuse.
So yes, I'm sorry.

Molly Lewis is an actual doll, her rendition of Poker Face has been on repeat for the past hour now. Go listen, it's amazing. Thank you Mr Hank Green for leading me to her:

It's almost been a year since I got my ukulele and I still haven't learnt to strum it properly. I'm such a fail, a poser perhaps. Alex you said how you were a poser in your photo with the guitar and all, but at least you don't go round saying you play the damn thing. I need to learn and I need to learn now. It's no good be lying about it at Brock, people seem to be able to spot these kinds of things a mile off.

I just finished re-reading a book about a girl with cancer, a fiction this time, not another one of those true-life stories. She made lists in the book, lists of things she wanted to do and have. I was thinking of comprising one of these lists, just like I did in the summer but I figure that it would probably just end up being some kind of Christmas list and it's only November.

November 5th, Guy Fawkes Night, V for Vendetta. BCG first. Cup of tea. Bath. Bubbles. Conditioner. Jumper. Pyjamas. Warmth. Owls.

I have such an obsession with owls at the moment, I've started drawing them and thinking of making one but I fail at textiles so perhaps not. Alex I blame you for this. The owl thing, not the textiles thing.

I don't want my injection. I'm scared to have it. I feel like such a pin cushion, first the second cancer jab, then the six needles skin test, now the BCG jab. It isn't fun times. At least I get to miss form today I suppose.

P-P-P poker face, P-P-P poker face. ♥

1 comment:

  1. AAGHHH I LOVE MOLLYS RENDITION OF POKER FACE SO MUCH <3 she is an amazing lady, have you heard her song about wikipedia???

    and mmmm owls. your beautiful new keyring makes my heart bubble with joy..xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
