8 February 2009

Stop, Stall and Make a Name For Yourself

So I finally caved in. I went against all negative things I've been saying about it and finally joined Twitter. How sad am I? I used to think that I didn't want to join it because "everyone joins it". Well, yes, well done woman. But now I've fallen down from that high chair of mine and joined in with everyone. I've never exactly been unique so why start now, eh? Twitter could be fun; I once joined Plurk but it was crappy.

Whoa, I've only been on Twitter for 5 minutes and I've already got 2 followers. A little odd, don't you think? But then again, one is following around 500 others and the other is following over 100 so at least I'm not the only one being stalked.

It's nearly Valentine's Day! In just 6 days the whole world will be loved up. I adore Val's Day, it's so bubbly and happy-making. And to be honest, it really doesn't matter if you don't have another half to share it with, you still have friends right? Sure, it probably is a lot more fun with a partner but hey ho, what cha' gonna do? I really need to start making my cards soon - I'm making a load of my friends, just to show I love them. :)

Speaking of making things, I'm in such a creative mood lately. I bought canvas' and paint yesterday and started painting just because I felt like it. It was lovely! It's really relaxing so long as you know what you want to paint.

Oh! Another thing, I've recently found out the name of the cute Japanese drawings I seem to fall upon whilst browsing dA: kawaii! Go search it, they're adorable. ^.^ Although, I'm not sure how to pronounce it. Is it "Hawaii" but with a "k" or something else? If you know, please enlighten me.

So, I'm going to go paint some more. To sum up, please add me on Twitter and let's chat. :)

Have a lovely rest-of-weekend everyone.

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