1 February 2009

You Can Only Blame Your Problems On The World For So Long

Isn't it strange how you find you can relate to songs so easily? For example, the song The (Shipped) Gold Standard by Fall Out Boy is the song I find I keep relating my life to. One of the lines is "I want to scream 'I love you' from the top of my lungs, but I'm afraid someone else will hear me." Every time I hear that I can just hear myself saying, "yeah, same."

. Stop being a girl.

Back to the usual ranting? Okay.
"You can only blame your problems on the world for so long". So basically, I need to stop. It just makes things depressing.

Complete change of topic now. You know what I think should come back into fashion? Words such as 'ace' and 'grand'. They're such brilliant words, why should we leave them to rot? And you know what else, if my blog was as popular as Perez Hilton's or someone of that sort, people would be using ace and grand all over the world as soon as I hit send. It's not going to happen but it's nice to think about how much influence people can have. Then again, I can guarantee that I would abuse the privilege just to get my own way. Watch out world, Bippie's taking over.

Oh stop day dreaming you fool.

Moving on, I have a question for everyone who reads this. If anyone.
If you could go back 10 years to 1999 and talk to yourself, what 10 things would you say to yourself? Now, don't go starting about how time travel is impossible/you can change anything/"Have you not seen Back to the Future!?". Firstly, yes I have seen Back to the Future and I love it, secondly, imagine it's just a warning not something to change the rest of your life. Kind of...

Want to know my 10 things?
  1. Don't give up the violin, you'll just regret it.
  2. The summer of 2006 is going to be very difficult for you but don't give up, you'll become a stronger person because of it.
  3. You're not emo, get over yourself.
  4. Stop biting your nails!
  5. You will get more confident, don't worry.
  6. Learn to read tabs so when you start to learn ukulele it'll be easier.
  7. Don't get too upset about Busted breaking up. Yes it's sad but don't cry; you'll still have McFly.
  8. Look after your skin, spots suck you just don't know it yet.
  9. What ever you do, do not get your hair cut into a bob. It makes your face look fat and really doesn't suit you, no matter what your friends say.
  10. Don't give away your Pokemon cards in year 4, again you'll just end up regretting it.
So what are your ten things? Please comment, I'd love to hear them.

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