24 March 2009

Russian Roulette Is Not The Same Without A Gun

I think my brain may have exploded...or imploded. Whichever. All I know is that the thought of having to concentrate on something makes me want to dig my claws into my scalp and rip my squishy brain out of my head and stamp on it. Exaggeration? Yeah, probably but you get the jist of it.

But why on earth is my brain so painful? Well that would be because of the RS homework I had to complete. Something about how festivals are all important and what's my opinion. The thing is I'm not exactly religious. Sure, I've been Christened and if I were to get married I'd probably have the service in a church. But an opinion on different Christian festivals? Okay, fair enough I like Easter and Christmas and I'm over half way though Lent now but Epiphany? Pentecost? Um, no thanks. Surely if you were to have an opinion on a subjects you would want to at least now about them in detail first? Oh well, it's done now.

Moving on from that, I find school isn't a very interesting subject. Now, I have a question for you, whoever you may be. If you could apologise to one part of your body, which part would you say sorry to? So for example you could say sorry to your skin for making it so dry or orange, you could apologise to your eyes for burning them with the sun or getting bits of make up on them, or even ask for forgiveness from your hair for damaging it so much with all your stylish products. Personally, I would apologise to my brain. Like I said, I would so much like to stamp on it right now but I suppose it's just It's way of making me pay for the times I've filled It with nonsense and dreams that will never happen and forcing It to learn things that I probably will not need. So Brain, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the stupid times I went with my feelings rather then listening to you. I'm sorry for the many times that I've made you ache because of stress or lack of sleep. I'm sorry for that time I cursed you for not being as good as other people's brains. I'm sorry for all the times you were right but I let others persuade me into thinking that you were wrong. But mostly I'm sorry for putting you under so much pressure recently. And yes, that pressure will continue for the next few weeks and maybe later on in my life too. However, to show you that I appriciate you (because I really, really do), I promise that I will never rot you. I promise I will never kills you with drugs. I promise I will not let you waste away to something useless. And I promise I will listen to you as much as I can so long as you promise me to behave and help me rather then lead me off on the wrong track. So finally, thank your Brain. Thank you for letting me think and imagine. And thank you for staying with me for the past sixteen years. Thank you for filling up with knowledge and thank you for being the right size.

Sorry and thank you.

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