8 June 2009

I Can't Clean Up The Mess You Left

Recently on my laptop I cam across a couple of lists I made a few months ago: a hate list and a love list. I thought I'd share them with you. Each list has 100 things on it. Make your own?

Hate List:
  1. Low self-esteem
  2. Depression
  3. Arguments
  4. Failing
  5. Pain
  6. Remembering bad times
  7. Illness
  8. People being upset
  9. Frustration
  10. Being stuck as the same person all the time
  11. Coffee
  12. Crying
  13. 2006
  14. Obesity
  15. People who just don’t care
  16. Being let down
  17. Ugly-days
  18. Not being able to finish something
  19. Embarrassment
  20. Dark circles under my eyes
  21. Spots
  22. Wind & rain together
  23. Rain in the summer
  24. Getting soap in my eyes
  25. Edward vs. Jake
  26. Step Up 1 & 2
  27. Trying really hard at something but not making any difference
  28. Being taken for granted
  29. People throwing food
  30. Babies
  31. Screaming
  32. Anything unhygienic
  33. Annoying alcoholics
  34. People pretending to be drunk/high
  35. Putting on a ton of weight
  36. Being single
  37. Science
  38. Touch typing
  39. Having no time to do anything
  40. Having no money
  41. Not having enough money
  42. Spending money for no reason
  43. Being late
  44. No Internet connection
  45. Liars
  46. Cults
  47. Chat speak
  48. Mould
  49. Bad smells
  50. Awkwardness
  51. Being cold all the time
  52. Rejection
  53. When I can’t swallow pills
  54. Badly edited photos
  55. Not being able to fall asleep
  56. Stress
  57. Shouting
  58. My eyebrows
  59. Cramped conditions
  60. Wars
  61. Overly hyper dogs
  62. When people don’t flush the loo
  63. Breaking things
  64. Disappointing people
  65. Annoying people
  66. Not being able to get details right
  67. Headaches
  68. Nosebleeds
  69. Burping
  70. People who won’t listen
  71. Bad clothes
  72. Adverts saying “text to this number for this ringtone!”
  73. Sundays
  74. Having no memory left on the computer
  75. Sweat
  76. Twilight fan girls who say things such as “OMGEDWARDISMYHUSBAND!”
  77. Spoilers
  78. Cancelling
  79. People who take forever to explain something
  80. Scary films
  81. People who won’t shush
  82. People complaining about people talking when it’s them who’s making all the noise
  83. Bad endings
  84. “Let’s just be friends”
  85. Not being able to upload videos
  86. People touching my back
  87. People showing off
  88. When you think the puddle isn’t as deep as it really is
  89. Worrying
  90. Freaking out about silly little things
  91. Cheating
  92. Giving up
  93. People having major operations
  94. People who are constantly upset about silly things
  95. Maths
  96. When the computer freezes
  97. Being told something won’t work when it will
  98. Feeling out the loop
  99. Paranoia
  100. People who won’t let me change

Love List:

  1. Weasley
  2. Justin Long
  3. Friends
  4. Family
  5. Laughing
  6. Panic at the Disco
  7. Wonderland
  8. Out-of-the-ordinary
  9. Circus-themed things
  10. Harry Potter
  11. Tea
  12. Pancakes
  13. Cut grass
  14. Having my hair cut
  15. Fall Out Boy
  16. Nerimon
  17. Julia Nunes
  18. Ukulele
  19. Making cards
  20. Scrubs
  21. Internet
  22. Blogging
  23. Photo editing
  24. Hugs
  25. Compliments
  26. Colours
  27. Pretty-days
  28. Laying on the floor
  29. Sleeping
  30. Having a ‘crush’
  31. Smiling
  32. General happiness
  33. Music
  34. Films
  35. Philadelphia on toast
  36. All-American Rejects
  37. People watching
  38. YouTube
  39. Talking
  40. Meeting new people
  41. Pokémon
  42. New friends
  43. Cats
  44. Straighteners
  45. Mascara
  46. Eyeliner
  47. Vaseline
  48. Finishing projects
  49. Dancing like a mad woman
  50. Kawaii
  51. The moon
  52. Summer
  53. Warm days
  54. Dressing up
  55. Good song lyrics
  56. Good books
  57. Farm animals
  58. Hearts
  59. Polka-dot
  60. Skinnies
  61. Clothes that fit
  62. Oversized jumpers
  63. Pyjama bottoms
  64. New underwear
  65. 90210
  66. Heroes
  67. E4
  68. Dave
  69. Musicals
  70. Glamour magazine
  71. The smell of new books
  72. Top hats
  73. Guys in formal wear
  74. Camden
  75. Brighton
  76. The beach
  77. People who make the effort
  78. Weekends
  79. Laura’s parties
  80. Good pens
  81. Good grades
  82. People with good hair
  83. Wikihow
  84. Taking photos
  85. Having money
  86. Lolcats
  87. Graphics
  88. Fantasy / make-believe
  89. Nail varnish
  90. Valentine’s Day
  91. Pretty eyes
  92. Sims 2
  93. Making things
  94. Making people smile
  95. Stars
  96. Night time
  97. Funny films
  98. Baths
  99. Clean hair
  100. Concerts

Please remember these are quite old so some things may have changed now. Still, it's nice to look back sometimes. :)

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