2 June 2009

Touch My Plastic Face And See What Happens

I've started to create characters in my head from the people around me and those I see around outside. Don't worry, all the nasty ones are people I've seen around or people I dislike. So if I like you, or if I read your blog, or if I'm subscribed to you on YouTube, you have nothing to worry about.

1. Matthew
He's tall, tanned, toned. He knows he's good looking and used every chance he gets to show this off. He gets the girls he wants. An American High School jock. Protected by his crowd of friends who don't really know him. This doesn't bother him though, he's practically famous. He's a joker, he likes to make fun of you. He will never notice those who whisper about him. He's too busy getting his head in the clouds to see the people who realise what he's really like. He doesn't care though. So long as he can get that scholarship and that girl he wanted as a prize.

2. Andy
Matthew's older brother. A much more caring soul. Just as toned and tall as Matthew but without the tough skin and thoughtlessness. People laugh at him. Make jokes. Matthew keeps him a secret, he doesn't want anyone to know that is brother has a "woman's job". Nurse. But Andy takes his work seriously. He know he gets laughed at. He knows people don't really understand the happiness he gets out of the work he does. He helps people. He saves people. People respect him. Perhaps not as much as they respect Matthew but he doesn't need that. That's just high school humour, Andy has his sights set for something more important then that.

3. Frank
A neighbour of Andy's. Andy knows the secrets but he keeps them to himself. He knows it's not his place to ask questions about the shouting, about the screaming, about the smashing. Frank is addicted to substances. He gets out of hand sometimes. Blames it on the "fast white lady". Everyone knows but are too shocked and appalled to speak up. Nobody wants that kind of responsibility.

4. Lucy
Frank's fiancee. Pregnant. In the same situation as Frank even in her condition. Also at the receiving end of those outbursts. The hitting, the pulling, smashing, the swearing. The whole street hear her cry for help but who would dare enter with Frank in that kind of rage? She leaves sometimes only to come back half an hour later and get chucked out again. She hates him but is terrified to leave - how else would she manage to get the stuff needed to feed her own hunger nevermind the baby's.

5. Grace
Grace lives a few doors down from Frank and Lucy. She goes to Matthew's high school but is in a different group of friend although they often see each other at parties and such. She's beautiful, the exact type Matthew would go for. High cheek bones, long blonde flowing hair that reflects, big blue deer eyes that mirror the smile painted on her face. She's lucky, blessed. She doesn't realise how good she's got it. She complains at times but soon perks up at the thought of a new shopping trip. Whispers can be heard about her too. Bimbo. She's not though, she's intelligent. She knows what she's talking about. She gets the joke you just said. She can figure you out faster then you can introduce yourself. Goddess.

6. Emily
Grace's best friend. The second-best at everything. Not as pretty as Grace. Not as intelligent. Not as brave, funny, charming, flirty. She's thinner then Grace. This doesn't make a difference. She tries as hard as Grace. It doesn't make a difference. She tries to make new friends but then Grace gets introduces and they lose interest in Emily. Boys use her to get closer to Grace. Not fair is it? Not that it matters. Emily is Grace's best friend. It's what friends do for each other. Right?

7. Violet
And classmate of Grace & Emily's. She makes scenes. Lies to people. Tries things she shouldn't. Pushes boundaries. All of this just for the attention she gets for it. She's the girl at the party that you'll find drunk, crying and being sick in her own shoes just so long as a drunken boy picks her up and takes her off to a separate room. She makes sure of this. She gets out of everything. Wriggles out of every situation. Fakes things to see the affects of it. Spiteful to everyone who crosses her. Doesn't care about anyone so long as she's having a good time. Says things just to cause disapproval. Makes it seem she's invincible. She's not. She'll end up just like Lucy.

8. Isabella
Another classmate. The complete opposite of Violet. She's modest to the the extreme but not in an irritating way. She cares for you no matter who you are. She's not a push over. She'll stand up for what she believes in. She's beautiful but doesn't show it off. She's an artist. She's unbelievably friendly. Someone you can count on in every situation. She's the one who you go to when something terrible has happened and she makes it better again with one simple sentence. She knows how to have fun but doesn't need to get drunk to do so. She's different, quirky, kind.

9. Owen
An old friend of Emily, Violet and Isabella's. Grace has never had the pleasure of being introduced properly. I wonder why? He's jealous about everything. He will try and make you jealous of him just so you know how he feels even though you haven't done anything wrong. He shocks people at times. Laughs at things that aren't even that funny. He doesn't have the nicest smile out there. He tries to but even he knows he shouldn't even try. He knows when he's good at something and will show everyone. He will put you down because in his eyes you will never be as good as you. Shallow.

Make your own? I may add more later.


  1. I can't match them up to people, am I being silly?
    The sort of things that go on in your head aye ;)


  2. No, you're not being silly: most are just random people I've seen walkign around and I've just made up stories for them! :D
