4 June 2009

There Were Things That Used To Make Me Smile

I'm in such an unbelievably happy mood; it's crazy! I feel like I'm about to burst with sunshine happiness filled with sugar loveliness that will swamp you with warm fuzziness and love you forever. If you get my drift. I don't even know why. Well, I do but I can't quite narrow it down. Would you like me to go through reasons with you? Well I'm going to anyway.

1. Exams
What a strange topic to make you happy, you think. How on earth could that make you happy, you ask. Well it's simple: I only have four more and the one I had today went really well! Admittedly I'm dreading the one tomorrow but let's not rain on this parade. We're here to smile and dance and bang pots and pans together in celebration, not worry over whether or not it's important for me to know every tiny detail of Sukkot.

2. Friday Night
Tomorrow at 7pm I'm heading down to the beach for an awesome beach party which I am so looking forward to. There's going to be so many new people there to meet and I'll be able to cross something of my list of "things to do this summer" and I'll be raving with Mullet and there will be an epic moment until the moon involving spoons which only a couple of people know about and mwuhahaha. I cannot wait. You have no idea. WOO!

3. Devan
Devan is my friend. A very very very good friend. A friend who has had it bad for a few months now and is pretty much at the end of her tether. But you know what? Things are looking up for her and I'm so happy. She's got herself a boyfriend and he's really lovely from what I hear and he's a friend's cousin which may be a little weird but if he ever hurts her he's got family to answer to which is just terrifying and I'm so so so happy for her because she deserves it with all the shit she's had to go through and YAY FOR DEVAN! I may have to send her a smiley face to her to show how happy I am for her and oh oh oh happy happy happy.

I think that's about it for the random happy feeling reasons. There's probably more but my head is so filled with clouds of sparkles that I can't think of anything more.

I like that word, "sparkle". One thing though...vampires do not sparkle.

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